Subsequent to the invasion by locusts, the Covid -19 pandemic brought with it adverse effects that consequently resulted in a global shutdown.
Phrases such as keep distance and sanitize have become mantras embedded into the culture of the society as a result of the intensive health awareness campaigns, fashioned towards mitigating a flu that has otherwise claimed over a million lives.
With various economic sectors seriously hit and rising from the ashes, the future seems bleak with a good number of businesses waiting upon the environment to normalize. Nonetheless, some businesses have adopted to the changes by conforming to the new patterns of life imposed upon by Covid 19.
With traditional human vices such as hugging and shaking hands obsolete, mobile money and e commerce are at the apex of paving way to the new normal amid surging cashless transactions and online trade. Akin the last Egyptian plague of the death of firstborns, the two respectively should be implored as means to enable businesses get to the Promised Land during such deplorable moments of depression.
Overtime, a postmortem of the implications of the pandemic to businesses is not only a necessity but an imperative. First, so that business can pick up and soar amid times when entities are diminishing from force majeure and secondly, so that producers and consumers can bend to the fluidity whilst adopting to the new environment within the shortest perceivable time.
Eons ago, it was prophesied notably by authors and opinion shapers that the future of the world would depend on the dynamics of technology. The future however, they never indicated would be ushered in by a global epidemic.
Today, when most businesses have shrunk, E commerce and mobile money have thrived despite the odds. The latter, threatening to totally phase out services such as touting with most public service providers having till numbers for effecting payments of fare charges. for instance, is an E commerce search engine mainly built to jumpstart businesses by providing free E market stalls on their platform. They enable businesses to be visible online essentially, allowing buyers and sellers to access a wide range of products and services.
Autlyn eliminates the problems of child labor in various aspects hence allows students to use their extra time more productively. Furthermore, Autlyn has coined a partnership with Find an Artisan and Buy Kenya in a bid to empower the players in the blue economy and creative arts.
For finding an artisan on the flip side, the service provider is able to own an online slot and engage a wider network of prospective clients. Buy Kenya by its nature, enhances the consumption of locally made products. A venture still advanced by Autlyn as it provides an avenue for artists to consolidate their social media presence under the one umbrella as an intellectual property owner.
Summing up a model that shall enable an artist to sell his or her music as a product to consumer who can follow the same business for more services, products or for further engagements. Finally, Autlyn guarantees and ensures the safety and privacy of its users and helps regulate actions by having a payment upon delivery policy.
Oguna Mamba is a poet and a knowledge gangster
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