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Global Peace Foundation Kenya in peacebuilding partnership with NCIC

The Global Peace Foundation Kenya signed an MOU on Wednesday 2nd February with the National Cohesion and integration Commission (NCIC) at the NCIC offices in Nairobi Kenya.

The partnership will see the two organizations collaborate in various peacebuilding efforts including delivering a peaceful 2022 electoral process through the Elections Bila Noma campaign.  The two organizations will also collaborate towards realization of the institutions’ other shared objectives such as promoting Civic Awareness and National Values through civic education and other modes of advocacy and national reconciliation.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Skitter Ocharo HSC, the Commission Secretary/CEO of the NCIC and Mr. Daniel Juma Omondi the Country Director of the Global Peace Foundation Kenya.

Speaking at the MoU signing ceremony, the Commission Secretary Skitter W. Ocharo, noted that through the collaboration, the commission will leverage on the unique strengths and comparative advantage of Global Peace Foundation to ensure that the areas envisaged within the MoU are explored and fully implemented. “The MoU opens a new area of strategic partnership between our two institutions. In this view, National Cohesion and Integration Commission shall leverage on the strengths & comparative advantage of Global Peace Foundation Kenya to ensure the envisaged areas of partnership are fully implemented”, said Dr. Skitter Ocharo.

On his part, the Global Peace Foundation Country Director Daniel Juma hailed NCIC on their commitment to national cohesion and the ongoing efforts to ensure the 2022 elections are held in a peaceful environment devoid of the kind of violence witnessed in the past.

As a part of the Elections Bila Noma campaign, both organizations are scheduled to conduct a training for political aspirants to enable them conduct effective campaigns in the upcoming elections.

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